A company from mechanical industry put an order to conduct is hardware and software review. The main goal of the audit is to identify potential cost saving in IT area as well as to improve data availability and safety. ...
Lan Projekt introduces new service of data conversion and data exchange between different ERP-class software. Account offices and their customers often cannot echange data in digital way because of incompatible software. The current solution supports data exchange between Comarch, Sage Symfonia and ...
On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end support for the decade-old Windows XP.This means you will no longer receive updates, including security updates, forWindows XP from Microsoft. More details at /www.microsoft.com/pl-pl/windows/business/retiring-xp.aspx ...
Lan Projekt has received a request to replace a company server. The server was installed several years ago as Microsoft Server 2003 SBS. In order to minimize costs of migration to new platform as well as to shorten the server and applications outage virtualization will tak place. Dell PowerEdge and ...
In July 2013 a company specialized in computer animation and advanced graphic processing placed order for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 migration. The server playing company Active Directory and main File Server roles will be moved to MS Windows 2012 OS installed on Dell server platform. In additi ...
Joining HP Partner Program Through the program Lan Projekt will create closer partnership with HP giving a change to sell HP products and services in more efficient way. ...
Avast Software releases version 8 of business line product on July 2n. The latest products are to support Windows 8, Windows 2012 Server, SharePoint 2013 and MS Exchange 2013 platforms. ...
Lan Projekt przeprowadził audyt gabinetu lekarskiego pod kątem zgodności procesu przetwarzania danych pacjentów z ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych. Efektem audytu było wdrożenie oprogramowania do prowadzenia elektronicznej dokumentacji pacjentów współpracującego z systemami NFZ (elektroniczna rece ...